Monday, December 21, 2015

Allergy Treatment: The Next Step

After 45 weekly allergy shots I have finally reached "maintenance" and switched from shots to drops. PTL!!!
A year ago I decided to go with the shots because (1) it's a faster buildup & (2) shots are FDA approved and paid for by insurance-sort of.  Even though we have good insurance I still paid about $30/shot and also paid for follow up visits to the allergist.  The drops cost $90/3-4 months.  Looking back in glad I did the shots and got to maintenance faster, but the cost is nuts. 
Anyway I still have a buildup on these as well, getting up to 3drops/day for 3-5 years.  It's suppose to build up my immune system and encourage my body not to make histamine when encountering an allergen.  My allergies were progressively getting worse and I needed to build myself back up. 
In this concoction are trees, cat dander, grasses, and weeds. Yummy!  Actually they're sweet so it tastes nothing like cat! ;)

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