Sunday, December 6, 2015

Walmart Altercation

My kids are good kids. That being said I am strict with them and I'm on top of their misbehaving--maybe even a little too proactive.  I'm definitely not the parent who ignores behaviors or bribes their kids out of tantrums. 

That being said we had had a lovely morning.  Until we stood in line to return an item at Walmart. Elizabeth decides to stand on the side of cart and (three times) I asked her nicely to get off so she doesn't tip the cart with her sister inside.  
THEN she gives me the "stink face".  It's what we call the naughty scowl that is disrespectful and downright wrong.  See below:

For the last week or so I've told E that this is rude & inappropriate.  And now the little sister is starting it. 

I don't take it. So after getting the "stink face" from E, a deliberate outward sign of disrespect. So I told her, "wipe that look off your face or I will slap it off".  I said it calmly & quietly. I didn't shout or have to lay a hand on my child. She stopped & knew I meant business. 
Then this 20-something, unmarried (no ring so I'm assuming) woman standing in front of us turns around, looks at E, looks at me and loudly says, " you should be nicer to her."  And in the heat of the moment out of my lips comes, "you should mind your own business."  She turns back around. We make no more contact.  I contemplate apologizing or explaining that I'm trying to teach my children respect and this had been a week-long battle.  BUT I just couldn't do it. She was wrong in butting into a conversation she knew nothing about prior to this encounter.  It irritates me that an adult took a child's side whom she didn't see E's "stink face", hasn't been around during this week-long battle, and didn't even take the time to determine if the kiddo was in any danger.  I would stand up for a child of they were in harms way, but this wasn't it.  Spanking has become abuse to some people. This is why our society is in the position it is today.  
E didn't understand the 'altercation' (hehe) and F was too busy picking her nose (a new hobby).  Minutes later both girls are happy, giggling, singing and finding word games to pass the time in the long line. The guy behind me joked with the kids and a guy 2 people ahead of me turned, made eye contact & smiled.  This is not the sight of 2 abused, neglected children.  These are 2 cherished kiddos whom, I hope, will become pillars of society. 
God loves me.  I love my children, and let them know so they never doubt it.  He punishes those he loves. I punish those I love.  And I love my kids enough for them not to grow up to be little jerks! Haha

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