Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Note to Another Soul

 I can lose anything. That's why I throw everything away that I don't need.  My husband and I are both throwers.  He throws because he doesn't want the junk. I throw because I don't want to dig through the junk to find what I'm looking for. I like to think of myself organized, yet I lose my keys at least once a week.

 That being said I do have one drawer of special Momentos that I hold dear to my heart. But if they were ever lost in the fire or a burglary they'd be gone.

Do you ever wish you could write a note to somebody's soul?  Do you ever wish you could tell them how much you really love and admire them and that they could feel the love that you feel for them at that time and moment?  There are so many people in my life who have shaped who I am that I would like to thank, but when you put it into words it doesn't seem like it's strong enough or  heartfelt enough.  Or you do make it sound good, and then you feel too voluneravle for putting your heart on the line.

We are taking care of a baby right now. I don't know if it will be long-term or short-term. But just like my daughters I'm up at night with him feeding him, rocking him, loving him. If he leaves us tomorrow will he ever know how much I loved him?  How much time and energy I spent on him.  How much he changed my life as I hope I did his.

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