Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's Like Riding a Bike...well sorta

I haven't been on my bicycle in about 3 years. Last time I went, Dave and I went biking all around Winona when he was still wooing me. Last night, we both get home from work, eat dinner at 4:00 (hey, we get up at 5!), and decide to go for a bike ride. David had already aired up the tires (he probably has every year for all I know) so we were ready to go. We were having so much fun that we went just kept going and going. Finally when we got to a "T" in the road, we decided to head back. Now, when we were on our first leg of the journey, the wind & sun were at our backs. By the time the barking dog laying in the yard saw us we were already past his house. And we had that childish thinking, I could do this forever.
Then we had to turn around and go back home. This time, the strong wind was in our faces, the sun hid behind some black, heavy-with-rain clouds, the "security" dogs were waiting for us for when we came back again, and being a little older and out of practice, our legs were straining. We still had fun and will be doing it more often, but ... "
it's like riding a bike" ... my foot. I could ride all day as a kid. I could also run and not grow weary too.
Summary: We had fun, but we'll probably work up to the longer distances next time. :)
Epilogue: So I am checking my email this morning and I have an email that is entitled "A Special Message from Your Bike". I thought it was going to say, "Don't ever do that again!" (It was a promotion for the MS Society's bike-a-thon.) lol

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