Monday, July 27, 2009


I just finished the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. It is labeled as a "children's" book, but it is very well written for all ages. I just appreciated the clean & appropriate language the writer used in her writings. Twilight is simple, yet beautifully written. It is a look at the other side of vampires intertwined with romance. I borrowed the movie from my sis-in-law, and hope to watch it this week. It is a series of 4 books. The worst part of it is that in this book, the last 2 chapters are the first two to the next book, New Moon. Of course the writer leaves you in a cliff hanger and I cannot get the next book until my other sis-in-law finishes it. I read it in 2 days, unable to put it down. I will not go into'll have to read it yourself!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Twilight series - I borrowed them this winter from my sister. New Moon the movie comes out in November!! :)
