Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th...

Picture of Dad helping us put up the frame on our garage 09/13/2008.
July 5th today. Two months since my Dad went to be with our heavenly Father on Tuesday, May 5th, 2009. How many times have I thought, "Gee, Dad would like this email. Wish I could send it to him." or "Gosh, I should take more pictures of Dad." Then realize, I can't. My heart aches as much now as it did 61 days ago. The lump in my throat remains. I am currently reading, "A Grace Disguised" by Jerry Sittser. In there he states that our lives are like motion pictures. When someone dies, that motion picture of the person ceases and becomes a snap shot.
Please don't misunderstand me. I am not dragging on in everyday life, moping and refusing to live. It's just that some days are harder than others. I am happy that Dad's pain is gone. I am blessed to have shared the precious moments we had together, slow dancing to a song on the radio while the Christmas ham cooked in the oven. He and my Mom gave us kids a healthy, happy home in which to live and raised us to love and cherish one another. It's just so hard to let go.
I was a child when my great Grandma Kisor died (Mom's grandmother). But I remember when we were walking back to the car after the cemetery ceremony, my Mom leaned into Dad's arms and said something I will never forget, "I feel like a chapter in my life has ended." Now I know what she meant.
So email your loved ones. Call even though you think they may be too busy to talk to you. Have BBQs. Drive 3 hours to see your parents. Tell those you love that you love them. Make memories & take pictures even if they hate having their picture taken.

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