Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Where have all the words gone?

Have you ever heard that words are added & removed from the dictionary? Recently removed were:
  • Agrestic - Rural. Apodeictic - Unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration. Caducity - Perishableness. Caliginosity - Dimness. Compossible - Possible in coexistence with something else. Embrangle - To confuse. Exuviate - To shed. Fatidical - Prophetic. Fubsy - Squat. Griseous - Somewhat grey. Malison - A curse. Mansuetude - Gentleness. Muliebrity - The condition of being a woman. Niddering - Cowardly. Nitid - Bright. Olid - Foul-smelling. Oppugnant - Combative. Periapt - An amulet. Recrement - Refuse. Roborant - Tending to fortify. Skirr - A whirring sound, as of the wings of birds in flight Vilipend - To treat with contempt.
Now I'll be the first to admit I don't use these words in my daily vocabulary. Yahoo's website, offer an explanation: Because languages are "living things" (metaphorically speaking), changes occur and need to be acknowledged. So, every ten years or so, the word smiths work on an updated edition.

That's all fine and dandy. There are new words coming out all the "blog". I like words as much as the next person, but some just don't belong in the dictionary. A lot of the new words seem slang to me. They are words that I do not use on a daily basis and would not use at work or in a professional setting. Words such as
: brain freeze, bling, empty suit, bikini wax, chick flick, civil union, hazmat, bodyboard, phat, grrrl, mini-me, and soul patch. Look these words up, they're ridiculous.

What about the one that erks me the most: ginormous. Apparently this is a word from gigantic + enormous. As if gigantic, enormous, or humongous are not big enough words that someone had to make up ginormous. My spell check doesn't even recognize a majority of these words.

As long as they leave my favorite word in the dictionary, onomatopoeia
, I'll be fine. Just please don't use "ginormous" around me. I can't and won't stand it.

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