Friday, July 17, 2009


So I was at the store today and with my wallet open and my "grocery" money envelope inside. I asked the cashier for my receipt after he gave me my change. The man behind me in line asked me, "Are you on the Dave Ramsey Plan?" I laughed, said that I was, and asked him how he was doing. "Better than I deserve," we both answered at the same time (the answer Dave Ramsey always gives when asked how he is). The man asked me how long I had been on the plan and I told him since December, when Dad gave us "The Total Money Makeover" book. He told me that he had just paid off his truck with the debt snowball and was now working on his student loans. I told him that we only had our mortgage left and were working hard at getting rid of it. We found that we both listen to his daily pod cast, wished each other the best of luck, and went our separate ways. What a weird but cool encounter. For anyone in debt, I highly recommend Dave Ramsey's plan. See his website and change your way of budgeting and living your life:

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