Sunday, December 27, 2009


Not always, but often times we recite this prayer at the beginning of church. I really loved it from
the first time I heard it for many reasons: I am admitting that I am a sinner and have sinned in
various ways (the part that always gets me is "in what I have failed to do"). I am asking for
intercessory prayer. True intercessory prayer seeks God's glory, not our own.
After wards, I say a prayer for my brothers & sisters in the congregation that God may
reveal to them their sins (as well for myself) so that we may receive forgiveness and
realize our faults, thereby making changes for the future. It seems to cover all the bases.
I just really like this prayer and wanted to share it.

I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers
and sisters,
that I have sinned through my own fault,
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done,
and in what I have failed to do;
and I ask blessed Mary,
ever virgin, all the angels and saints,
and you,
my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.


  1. It's great to have sisters and brothers in Christ praying for you! Prayer warriors are always welcome :) Point of confusion though - is the prayer referring to Mary, wife of Joseph, Jesus' mother, because if I recall Jesus had brothers??

  2. One thing my mother and father always told me is to Never talk, politics, religion or money. This rule has served me well through out my 57 years. Everyone is entilted to their own beliefs without condemnation, and that's all I have to say about that!
