Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maternity Clothes

I did it. I finally broke down a went shopping for a few maternity clothes (or as my brother would call it...matternitty). Target had some really great prices and clearance items. 17 weeks, 5 days pregnant today. My sister in law suggested I get a belly band so that I can wear my old pants and not use the rubber band trick. I bought one for $17, the most expensive item of the day, but per her...well worth it. I thought just your belly got bigger when you got pregnant. WRONG. I won't get into details. There are so many things that the books and the websites don't tell you. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We started the day off running. We did two loads to the dump from the rental property. Did 3 loads of laundry and hung them on the line. Scrubbed all the bathrooms top to bottom. Vacuumed. Swept. Mopped. Tilled the garden - both directions. Rewarded myself with a 1/2 reading session in the beautiful 86-degree sunshine. Finished the day with a chicken & stuffing meal and thanked God for another blessing of a day. (not much of a "relaxing" weekend, but being productive and purposeful give me the atta-girl I need.)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ultimate Peanut Gallery

There are always little recommendations people have that they learn in their lives. Whether this helps or not, here's what I've learned through the years:
* Heat up your eyelash curler prior to using and use waterproof mascara, it holds the curl longer. Also, give a good three crimps along the lash. Don't just curl in one place so that your lashes look like the letter "L".
* Use blue Dawn once a month as a shampoo as a Malibu treatment. (I haven't tried this.)
* Use conditioner as a shaving gel. It doesn't dry skin like soap and works great.
* Three things never to cinch on: (1) your wedding, (2) comfortable shoes, & (3) reliable tools.
* Per internet, it doesn't matter what laundry soap you use, it's the washer that does the work at getting the dirt out. The soap contains smell and grease-cutting capabilities.
* When threading a needle, wet the needle, not the thread. This actually "wicks" the thread through the eye of the needle.
* Hard eyeliner? Use a flame to warm the makeup before applying (careful, may be too hot and burn.)
* To prevent noodles from sticking together, pour a shot of oil into the boiling water with the noodles.
* Watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood now and again. It gives you a boost of self esteem.
* Don't waste your time deciding whether or not to throw something out. If in doubt, throw it out.
* Use wet rubber gloves to pick up pet hair.
* Have friends over. It gives you a better reason to clean.
* Dust and clean with an already wet washcloth on your way to the laundry room with it.
* Take pictures now. You never know when you can take no more.
* Use ammonia & a tooth brush on the white rubber parts of your tennis shoes to get the dirt off.
* Save your egg shells. Tomato plants love when you give them egg shells. (This is from one of my residents.)
* Never say Good Night or Good Bye without saying I Love you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My 16 Week Avocado

We had our 16 week check up on Tuesday. Short, but sweet and we got to hear Baby's heartbeat again. That is so cool. I could listen to it all day. Baby kept moving so you'd hear the lub-dub lub-dub and then a whoosh when the Dr was trying to get a good reading. Pretty cool. Pretty darn cool!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sharing My Pregnancy

16 weeks along and now all the secret pregnancies are being announced in Hollywood. Celebrities that are also pregnant: Angelina Jolie#7, Claudia Schiffer#3, Amy Adams#, Kelly Preston (Mrs. John Travolta)#3, Jennifer Aniston#1, Ellen Pompeo, Sarah Michelle Gellar#1, Heidi Klum, Tiffani Thiessen#1, Amanda Peet#2, Rebecca Gayheart#1.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend: Paint, Clean, Trim, Mow, Fill, Dig

Weekends fly by when you spend them cleaning another house. We've been going to the Keewatin house just about biweekly to clean, cut grass, and get rid of the, ahem, garbage that was left. (It's amazing how some people "live".) This entire weekend was spent priming, painting, fixing, filling & mowing by day and rubbing sore muscles at night. I'm looking forward to going back to work on Monday. :) (Yes, probably with painted forearms. LOL) I did get my laundry done and a movie watched Saturday night ("9" by Tim Burton, kinda cute.) I finished the Rainmaker by John Grisham, not as good as his other books, but still an "OK" read. Yawn, time for the Brooks' to hit the hay. 5:00 comes fast.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hand-Me Downs

My Sister-in-Law Kim calls and lets us know that she has extra baby "stuff" from her 3 kids and nephew that we can take to use for BB1. We were on the way back from spending the day cleaning the Keewatin house (another story) and figured we'd stop by her house on the way home. 13 large Tupperware tubs, jumpers, strollers, a swing, play pen, toys, sit & spin, sled, and a crib from Gary & Candy's home later we're on our way home to unload the van. Yeah, I'd say that's a good start! Thanks guys. Enjoy the extra space in your garages!

Baby Greetings

Dear Diary, I never knew they even made cards of celebration for "parents to be" or "happy Mother's day to the mommy to be," but I've received them out of the thoughtfulness of family and friends. I also received a spider plant from my Mother-in-Law, also called an airplane plant. I had been looking for the past few months for one because they naturally clean the air like ivys and lilies. I also received a bouquet of pink & blue carnations from my Mom & Earl at work the other day with cute "baby" ribbons on it. Thank you all for your kindness. It truly is so sweet and makes me feel so special!

Wedding Dress Preservation - Part II

Finally bit the bullet and had my dress preserved. I kept it in the back closet for the past 3 years. I'd gaze at it from time to time and even tried it on one last time--5 weeks pregnant. I was on the fence about preserving it, because it seems so final to me. Another chapter in my life moving on and another starting. As long as I had that dress available to me, I had those feeling of "new bride" in me. Well, that new bride's huge dress was competing for space in the "new groom's" closet of sports equipment. And there is going to be a new chapter starting...from newly weds to newly parents. So the dress is cleaned, preserved, and under the bed until someday it makes its reappearance on someone else's new chapter in their lives.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Brooks' Parents!

On Sunday May 9th, in celebration of Mother's day and Gary & Candy's birthdays, all the Brooks kids got together for a yummy pot luck. DB & I were in charge of the keg ... oh I mean cake, right Jen? And what better than a Disney ice cream cake? Happy Birthdays you two. We always share so many laughs and loves in your home!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like ... Mother's Day?

Just wanted to send out a special Mother's Day message to all the mothers and future mothers in my life. Your nurturing and loving ways through God's grace are going to change this world through your children. Thank you for all that you did, do, will do!
(Pictures of May 7th snow "storm" that lasted all of 48 hours. David decided to make some snowballs...look more like hay bails.)

Movie Review: The Terminal (2004)

We rented The Terminal the other night. It was a clever, quirky film, starring Tom Hanks. I like him as an overall actor, and he did well in this film, too. Your heart goes out to this foreigner as he bides his time in an airport terminal while his country is fighting for peace (oxymoron, but we often fight for peace). Anyhow, it is a different film, low action, slightly slow moving, but interesting & clever non the less. I would recommend renting & watching once, don't buy. Same as Cast Away. You can only watch it once.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tres Cinco de Mayo Anniversary

Today is my Dearly Beloved's (DB) and my third wedding anniversary. Whoo-hoo! It's surprising how fast it went these past few years. I always had a little crush on him in highschool. He was so hot with his trumpet and when he was playing basketball. I guess he played football, but I didn't pay attention to the games. (You can't tell them apart in their helmets anyhow!) We started dating May 2006, fell head-over-heels in love June. He proposed August 26th. We were wed about 9 months later. Three years later, he still treats me like his new bride. Mu-wah!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Love My Pot

I bought a cast iron dutch oven a few months back, but didn't want to "recommend" it until I tried it out. I love it. Lodge makes a fabulous line of cast iron cookware, pre-seasoned. On the PBS show "Cook's Kitchen" they trialed many skillets, and found that among the stainless steel, Teflon, and cast iron, they recommended the Lodge cast iron over all the rest in ease of cleaning, food not sticking, & food taste. The only down side is that it's heavy, but that was no surprise. They also recommended, amongst all different blenders, the Kitchen Aide blender over all the rest. I have that too, so I must be doing something right at choosing kitchen accessories. Now if only I knew how to use them all! Haha

Blog Update

On the bottom of my blog, I've added a "baby ticker" from It's pretty cool. You get to see the little cartoon "Christi" with a growing belly and a little update as to how BB1 is developing. Check it out above our wedding pic. 14 Weeks is welcoming me into the 2nd trimester!

Easter @ the Brooks' Pics

My digital camera-to-computer hookup wasn't working at the time of Easter, so here's a little catchup. Pics: #1 Matt & Puppy, #2 Grandmas, #3 DB hog-tying Jackie, #4 Josh & Mark blowing bubbles, #5 Jr, Jen, Jackie (behind/under James' dog, & Kim).

Mom's Home!

Mom's home after being gone for 1,2,3,4,5 months. We had a family get together the day after Ma & Earl came home. They still had a full trailer in Ely as well as a messy house and an obese dog to walk (sorry Kirby), but they still took the time to come see family. Pictures: #1 DB dressing Ruby up in his "Earl-the-Pearl" shirt, #2 Ruby & Gramma Koney, #3 everything is bigger in Tx, look at the size of these marshmallows. I couldn't even drink my hot cocoa with the marshmallow in it!

My Little Lexie Girl

Lexie has been such special addition to our family. Here I'm assuming that she a delicate, little lady whom I have to protect. But when her and David go for walks around the yard, and she spots a deer, she takes off in a flash, chasing it down the trail. She comes back when called, but she's not my dainty flower at that point, she's a 15# of pure hunter. David taught her to play ball with us. She must have never played before because she did not know what to do with it. DB actually had to get her revved up & excited for it in order for her to play. She's such a good companion and always at my side. Be it in the kitchen, garden, or napping on the couch, she's always by my side. I never knew I could have so much love for my little critter.