Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend: Paint, Clean, Trim, Mow, Fill, Dig

Weekends fly by when you spend them cleaning another house. We've been going to the Keewatin house just about biweekly to clean, cut grass, and get rid of the, ahem, garbage that was left. (It's amazing how some people "live".) This entire weekend was spent priming, painting, fixing, filling & mowing by day and rubbing sore muscles at night. I'm looking forward to going back to work on Monday. :) (Yes, probably with painted forearms. LOL) I did get my laundry done and a movie watched Saturday night ("9" by Tim Burton, kinda cute.) I finished the Rainmaker by John Grisham, not as good as his other books, but still an "OK" read. Yawn, time for the Brooks' to hit the hay. 5:00 comes fast.

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