Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Little Lexie Girl

Lexie has been such special addition to our family. Here I'm assuming that she a delicate, little lady whom I have to protect. But when her and David go for walks around the yard, and she spots a deer, she takes off in a flash, chasing it down the trail. She comes back when called, but she's not my dainty flower at that point, she's a 15# of pure hunter. David taught her to play ball with us. She must have never played before because she did not know what to do with it. DB actually had to get her revved up & excited for it in order for her to play. She's such a good companion and always at my side. Be it in the kitchen, garden, or napping on the couch, she's always by my side. I never knew I could have so much love for my little critter.


  1. She is a good buddy! :-)


  2. Yea, she got into the garbage on Sunday when I forgot to put it in the garage. Only Lord knows what she got to, but I know she ate the skin of 1 whole chicken, some chicken bones, and hit two peanut butter sandwiches in both of my couches. Arg, she's been in the laundry room incase of accidents the past 2 days. My fault. She couldn't help herself.

  3. welcome to my world :) Kirbys mom
