Monday, August 30, 2010

David's Long Lost Brother?

Have you ever wondered if there's someone out there who looks like you? I haven't found my face double, but the guys at David's work tell him he looks like Daniel Tosh from Comedy Central. I've watched Tosh.O and while I do find him funny, I don't think he looks much like my husband, but it was something different to blog about.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weeks 31 ( & 13) of Pregnancy

Week 31 of Pregnancy
As baby's senses increase, mommy's breathing room decreases. Baby is now in week 31 of pregnancy: Weighing in at 3+ pounds and measuring 18 inches long, baby is quickly approaching birth length. Also developing at an impressive clip: baby's brain connections (trillions of them!). It's now processing information, tracking light, and perceiving signals from all five senses.
Jenny & Junior announced that Baby Parks will be entering this world on 03/05/2011! Now the size of a peach, Baby Parks #1 will be 4 months behind its Baby Brooks cousin. Congrats guys, we're so exicted for you! Much love and congrats to you both!

Garage Painting

There are always little projects to do as a homeowner. This most recent one is painting the garage. But David did get a new toy out of the deal, a paint sprayer to make the job easier, and hopefully to use indoors as well to make painting faster. We still have plenty to do because the weather only cooperated for one day of the weekend.

Baby Moon

We took a "Baby Moon" last weekend, a honeymoon before the baby comes. We went to the cities, to the Science Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls & took in a comedy show at Chanhassen. Really romantic and special time, just the two of us. The Science Museum was amazing, very similiar to one that I attended as a child in Canada. Unfortunately the Dead Sea Scrolls were highly guarded and we were unable to take any pictures, but very informational. They had history on the scrolls, who they think wrote them, how they were preserved and then discovered. They also had SO many artifacts (coins, glass, stoneware, purification cups, clothing) that were absolutely breathtaking and amazingly old. The scrolls themselves were ... amazing. The comedy show was very similiar to "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" and the actors were pretty impressive. Unfortunately we had seats right up front, so we got more attention from the actors than we wanted. :) But it was all in fun. I'd highly recommend the act. Good Baby Moon, and good memories.

My Little Cone Head

My poor little Lexicon. She had a sore on her foot we tried treating w/ one round of antibiodics & antinflammatories, putting a sock on her foot to keep her from licking it-reopening the wound. Unfortunately, it didn't heal and we had to do another round of abx and steroids this time. She then kept licking the Neosporin off of her foot and we finally resulted in putting a cone on her day and night, with breaks during walks and family time. She is finally healing and we have discontinued the cone, but not before we got a picture of our favorite little cone head.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

On the Hunt for ... Food Storage Containers

I know, after 4 days of not Blogging, you'd think I'd have something more interesting to talk about. Well...I don't. Mainly b/c I bought a new camera and haven't had a chance to sync it with my computer.
Anyhow, I severely dislike messy Tupperware; mismatching tops, overly-nuked bowls stained red with last week's poor-sketty, just causes useless frustration. I want food storage containers that are all the same brand,
BUT , I do have one recommendation for good food storage and the organization of cluttered drawers:
I bought this unit years ago and haven't been disapppointed yet. It's handy, compact, and organized. I highly recommend this unit to anyone who has limited space or just revels in organization.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola

This is a prayer out of our Missal that I pray it either after mass or communion. It's a difficult prayer to pray because you have to surrender to God everything that you consider as yours and what makes you who you are. But we have to remember that everything we have and everything we are originally came from God anyhow. And we have to be willing to give it back to God, because it belongs to him anyway.


Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess You have given me: I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will. Give me only Your love and Your grace; with these I will be rich enough, and will desire nothing more.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Don't Believe in "Bad" Days, but...

Dear Diary, I believe that bad days are what you make of them. Until...
Last night the dog was limping something terrible. She's been fighting off this infection in her foot for weeks now and was doing much better, until the limp started. So I call the vet and they recommend a 1/4 of an aspirin for the pain and an 8:00 appt today. So I bring her in and 2 prescriptions later we're headed back home. But my hands start itching on the drive back. "Why is that?" I wonder. Ahhh, I bet it was that cat that I pet at the vet's office. Turned into a full blown rash all over my hands and wrists. Luckily I have cream for that.
After applying hydrocoritizone cream, and saying toodles to my puppy, a sharp pain stabs me in my left back/hip. It freezes me in my path and takes my breath away. No, not now. I think. I'm already late and have so much to do at work. I hobble to my car. I thought the pain was bad until I tried to get into my car. I was seeing stars at this point. Nothing to do but go to work.
As I drive along, I come to road construction. The guy with the slow/stop sign flips it to "STOP" as I approach...two seconds behind the last car he lets through. Come on buddy! The huge dump truck gets into my lane, facing me, and the loader proceeds to tear up the road in the opposite lane, dropping the old asphalt into the truck. TEN minutes later, they're still going at their digging and dumping. Forget this, I think, as I turn around in the road and take another route, shaking my head at the line of cars that had piled up behind me. A few other follow my lead/frustration.
I take another route. Guess what? Road construction! One lane traffic for miles.
I finally get to work, taking excruciating baby steps as I haul in the stack of library books I had picked up for a resident. The physical therapist stretches my back and I take the rest of the day off. The pain remains and actually starts shooting down my left leg and radiating up my spine. I call my chiropractor and she fixes me up. Again, road construction for miles both directions on the highway, making a 15 minute drive into 30 and making me late for a last-minute appointment.
Short story long, I'm icing my back, moisturizing my hands as I sit on my couch, catching up on computer work, convincing myself there is no such thing as bad days. I've fed my dog an antibiotic in cheese, put Neosporin on her foot, and a cone on her head. We're quite a pair. That and BB1 learned a new trick: how to stomp on Mommy's bladder while it plays the xylophone on the inside of my ribs. I should have just stayed in bed today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Dummy Light

Would you know what this light is if it lit up on your dashboard? I'd guess that your pants fell down...but apparently it means low tire pressure. Huh. Who knew?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

YAWN! My (Much Needed) Prayer for the Day

Heavenly Father, as a tired bird is lifted by an unexpected gust of wind and is raised to a highter altitude and soars on with new strength and energy, so come and lift me in the same way. May your blessed strength surge through my mind, through my emotions, through feelings that will evergize and excite me this day. Thank you! AMEN

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coffee w/ the Maki's

Heather and the kids came in to Hibbing for Dr's appointment today, so we met prior for coffee @ Caribou. I didn't have my camera, so here's a pic I got emailed from Heather. Isabella is 2.5 mo and William is nearly 2.