Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Don't Believe in "Bad" Days, but...

Dear Diary, I believe that bad days are what you make of them. Until...
Last night the dog was limping something terrible. She's been fighting off this infection in her foot for weeks now and was doing much better, until the limp started. So I call the vet and they recommend a 1/4 of an aspirin for the pain and an 8:00 appt today. So I bring her in and 2 prescriptions later we're headed back home. But my hands start itching on the drive back. "Why is that?" I wonder. Ahhh, I bet it was that cat that I pet at the vet's office. Turned into a full blown rash all over my hands and wrists. Luckily I have cream for that.
After applying hydrocoritizone cream, and saying toodles to my puppy, a sharp pain stabs me in my left back/hip. It freezes me in my path and takes my breath away. No, not now. I think. I'm already late and have so much to do at work. I hobble to my car. I thought the pain was bad until I tried to get into my car. I was seeing stars at this point. Nothing to do but go to work.
As I drive along, I come to road construction. The guy with the slow/stop sign flips it to "STOP" as I approach...two seconds behind the last car he lets through. Come on buddy! The huge dump truck gets into my lane, facing me, and the loader proceeds to tear up the road in the opposite lane, dropping the old asphalt into the truck. TEN minutes later, they're still going at their digging and dumping. Forget this, I think, as I turn around in the road and take another route, shaking my head at the line of cars that had piled up behind me. A few other follow my lead/frustration.
I take another route. Guess what? Road construction! One lane traffic for miles.
I finally get to work, taking excruciating baby steps as I haul in the stack of library books I had picked up for a resident. The physical therapist stretches my back and I take the rest of the day off. The pain remains and actually starts shooting down my left leg and radiating up my spine. I call my chiropractor and she fixes me up. Again, road construction for miles both directions on the highway, making a 15 minute drive into 30 and making me late for a last-minute appointment.
Short story long, I'm icing my back, moisturizing my hands as I sit on my couch, catching up on computer work, convincing myself there is no such thing as bad days. I've fed my dog an antibiotic in cheese, put Neosporin on her foot, and a cone on her head. We're quite a pair. That and BB1 learned a new trick: how to stomp on Mommy's bladder while it plays the xylophone on the inside of my ribs. I should have just stayed in bed today.

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