Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Moon

We took a "Baby Moon" last weekend, a honeymoon before the baby comes. We went to the cities, to the Science Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls & took in a comedy show at Chanhassen. Really romantic and special time, just the two of us. The Science Museum was amazing, very similiar to one that I attended as a child in Canada. Unfortunately the Dead Sea Scrolls were highly guarded and we were unable to take any pictures, but very informational. They had history on the scrolls, who they think wrote them, how they were preserved and then discovered. They also had SO many artifacts (coins, glass, stoneware, purification cups, clothing) that were absolutely breathtaking and amazingly old. The scrolls themselves were ... amazing. The comedy show was very similiar to "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" and the actors were pretty impressive. Unfortunately we had seats right up front, so we got more attention from the actors than we wanted. :) But it was all in fun. I'd highly recommend the act. Good Baby Moon, and good memories.

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