Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Coffee w/ the Maki's

Heather and the kids came in to Hibbing for Dr's appointment today, so we met prior for coffee @ Caribou. I didn't have my camera, so here's a pic I got emailed from Heather. Isabella is 2.5 mo and William is nearly 2.


  1. sorry for the chaos. I think we've probably been blacklisted from Caribou! :D

  2. Hahaha, as long as we didn't leave any evidence behind, we should be good! (I paid with cash and not a credit card so they can't track us...LOL) Didn't scare me, we'll do it again!
    Ahh ... I'm learning. Always wondered how people traveled with 2 under 2. Now I know! Hope all went well w/ the appt!
