Wednesday, August 3, 2011


We haven't had the Internet at our house for 2 weeks, so therefore I have not been able to blog. But now we do so here's a little blog I'd like to entitle "Catch Up".
We bought a new van (2005 T&C) and traded in Dad's. It's wonderful! My family has always named their vehicles, so while I sold "Snow White" to my niece, and inherited "Trusty Rusty", we traded him in for, hmmm "Great White?" Maybe. But when the license plates came in, they read GBK "Great Big Kar". Welcome to the family, Kar.

We celebrated David's birthday last week. We just did a little dinner of chicken monarae and ice cream cake to follow with Gary & Candy. David was a little under the weather, but tolerated our celebrating him well. :) Apparently David is a Saturday Baby, per Candy. Didn't know that. Gary build David a beautiful table for the front room. I believe it's oak (D's fav), with a cabinet down below, pull out shelf, and on the right side; two magazine racks (on D's side, of course). Very beautiful, crafty, and functional. As you can see, Elizabeth has already made herself comfortable with the new furniture.

Daddy & E love to read together. David also taught her how to make hats out of newspaper. This is what happens when Mommy is done with the paper Sunday nights.

Here's a pic of the Brooks/Maki/Schaefer kids at a family BBQ. "Cheese" (Not pictured baby Zane)Here's a pic of Grammy Koney & Elizabeth at Earl & Mom's family get-together. I didn't do well at taking pictures that day, but here's a great one of my two favorite girls.

And here's a pic of the Schaefers with new baby Zane Ryland Schaefer, 1 mo. old.

I'm sure there's stuff I've missed. Our gardens are doing well, however the deer ate David's sunflowers, but we'll have an abundance of potatoes to make up for it. We've picked plenty of tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, peas & zucchini. The back bedroom is coming along with the new doors put in and framed and hopefully we'll get carpet in there this month. David is planning on putting up the 3 decks this and next month. Glad I had a chance to catch up on my journal. OH! And Elizabeth turned 9 months old on the 1st and got her 4th tooth! Her 1st top one to boot! Yeah, frozen pea cubes!

1 comment:

  1. Great update, adorable pictures, the pea one especially, Mom
