Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dinner from the Garden

We had a beautiful dinner last night from our garden: corn-on-the-cob, breaded zucchini fries, fried green tomatoes, beans, kohlrabi, and leftover tuna & potato salad. Miss Elizabeth started on oatmeal this week and ate 1/2 cup all gone. Dessert: blueberries & strawberries & blackberries, oh my! (Atop of ice cream, that is!) No leftovers, so no pics. :)

Here's an update on my garden for my journal: this year we moved the garden from the SE side of the house to the driveway turnaround. It did much better there with more sunlight and new black dirt. Unfortunately a few deer have jumped my 4' fence and ate my potato, cabbage, strawberry, tomato, squash, & raspberry plants and whatever else they ate that I haven't yet noticed. Solution? Deer hunting this year and a higher fence next year. So, even though they nibble on the plants, we have still been pretty fruitful. David also had his own garden at the end of the drive and while the deer cleaned out his sunflowers and beans, he has a lot of corn, potatoes, and onions.

Mommy's Little Kitchen Helper.


  1. why is she not sitting in the bowl like you used to?????

  2. I have cast iron. Those pots are still a little too heavy for her to just pull out and play in. :)
