Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Update

I wear so many hats some days. :) We're re-doing the back bathroom, re-organizing the office, and brewing beer (that's pretty low maintenance, though on our part). Between work, dance, Bible study, & Mom's group I haven't even turned on my computer for fun in 2 weeks. I am thoroughly convinced that if I give up eating and sleeping - I'll have time for everything I want to do in my life :).
Miss Elizabeth is a girl on the go. 14 teeth @ 14 months. "Up" is still her favorite word & she uses it for everything. She can now get on and off most furniture and stack blocks. Her favorite pastimes are playing with Legos, reading her "Baby Can..." books & standing on tippy toes to get into Mommy's utensil drawer. She loves giving hugs & kisses and dancing to 50's & 60's music. We are thankful for our very mild winter which has been kind to us and has allowed for lots of sled rides and down-hill sliding.
And our sweet little Lexiacon, who gets missed in the cyber shuffle. She's a happy, healthy, pudgy puppy. She is so tolerant of Elizabeth and wonderful guard dog. Here you can see her on duty. She is the sweetest lap dog and always willing to please, for a treat.
Thank you God for my many hats.

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