Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas

This weekend held our Christmas at home with Grandma & Grandpa Ely. The Makis were unable to attend d/t illness, but we had a fun-filled evening and day as G&G spent the night. Elizabeth discovered Papa Earl's head and likes to pat it. We received some very wonderful presents and enjoyed watching Grandma & Grandpa open theirs. The next day, the tree came down along with all the decorations. Months of preparring just for Elizabeth to get the hand of opening presents and then it's all done. It was a very blessed holiday and awesome to share with loved ones. My sweetie was wonderful enough to get me my Clutterbuck jersey and ring I wanted. I don't remember what I got him, but I'm sure it was something nice...:) haha, I just remembered: game camera.

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