Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lion?

This poor little birdie was getting a bite to eat during our winter storm today. We are expecting 6-8". So she was bulking up on some foods when I went out to fill the bird feeder this afternoon, and not easily scared away. I'm pretty sure she is a house finch, all ruffled up and slightly damp from the wet snow falling. She's probably wondering the same as me,"when will spring be here?" We saw 2 robin red breasts this past weekend too and the Canadian Honkers have been coming home as well, making their noisy arrival as they fly overhead.

Homemade StoveTop Stuffing

6 cups cubed bread
3 tsp. bouillon granules or 3 cubes (chix, beef, or veg)
1/4 cup dried minced onion
1/2 cup dried minced celery
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. sage
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350*F. Bake bread cubes for 8 to 10 minutes or until dry. In a large bowl, toss bread with remaining ingredients until evenly coated. Store in airtight container. It will keep for 1 to 4 months or 12 months frozen.
To prepare, combine 2 cups stuffing mix with 1/2 cup water and 2 Tbls. melted butter on stove top or in microwave.

Yields about 7 cups

Monday, March 30, 2009

How We Remodeled Bedroom#1

In the first picture to the left was the bedroom before. Spackled ceiling, blue walls with "clouds" & glow-in-the dark painted stars, and tan carpeting. (11/14/2007)

We chiseled off the ceiling & painted that and the closet white. We then pulled out the carpet. The walls were primed, taped, & painted. (04/12/2008)

David insulated & replaced the window frame. He used a beautiful wood that he worked hard at sanding, priming, & painting to smooth it out. See left.

Summer was spent on the garden & garage, so the bedroom stayed dormant until winter again. (02/14/2009)
Wainscoting was put on the walls and chair & crown molding that Dave & his Dad created was painted & put up. 03/07/2009

The doors were sanded, primed, & painted. We found that hanging a door is easier said than done

The outside of the door was polyurethaned as well as the molding. (Pretty, huh?)

Medium Grey carpeting was installed on 03/28/2009

We already have a matching full bed, dresser, and desk that will be going into the room once they are touched up a bit. They are Christi's old bedroom set that need a little TLC, but we hope this room is warm and welcoming for our future guests!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fargo Flood

My (future) brother in law is in the National Guard and currently in ND for the floods, sandbagging, I believe. Please say a prayer for them; the workers, the victims, the neighboring towns, and the authorities, for their safety and ability to make wise decisions.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Won't You Be...My Neighbor?"

At the center of the universe is a loving heart that continues to beat and that wants the best for every person. Anything we can do to help foster the intellect and spirit and emotional growth of our fellow human beings, that is our job.

Those of us who have this particular vision must continue against all odds. Life is for service.

~Fred Rogers~

Reduce, Reuse, FREE-CYCLE!

When we bought our home in December 2006, we were unaware of the "goodies" that were hiding under the snow. One little treasure was the pick-up topper seen here. It was in really good condition, but it would not fit our truck so we offered it up on http://www.freecycle.org. We had it in our yard for a year and a half, trying to sell/give it away that entire time. Finally a new member on Freecycle came to claim it, fitting his truck beautifully. (This is also how we also got rid of our dryer.) Freecycle is a website in which you can offer your stuff to others to keep it from being thrown into the landfills (but it has to be free, no money exchange). All you have to do is go to the website, put in your town & state, and you can receive daily emails of free stuff in your area. It doesn't have to be big stuff either. Many times there are books, movies, exercise equipment, and animals put on there. You can also put "wanted" items in there as well. I highly recommend this in order to keep items out of our landfills and clean up the environment for the next generation.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

How to redo Bathroom#1

We redid our bathroom. We took our time at it, but it was well worth the wait. The 1st picture is of David in the original bathroom (11/25/2007).
As you can see we scraped off the old painted-over wallpaper and re-mudded & taped the seams. He pulled down the textured ceiling & painted it.

We primed & painted the walls, pulled up the linoleum & put down cement board and laid tile (12/15/2007).

Eventually we added a wallpaper boarder, reinstalled the toilet and sink/vanity (12/19/2007). I sewed a new shower curtain & decorated; (1/3/2009).

Before and After

The newest members of the family (L) to (R) "William" & "Ruby", born 09/19/2009 & 09/16/2009, respectively (their fathers are my brothers).

Indoor Garden

These are pictures of our indoor plants. It may be silly, but it's one of my low-maintenance hobbies! {David is convinced that the plants like him, and that's why they grow so well in our home:) }(Above) Is my beautiful poinsettia plant we bought from our niece, Bryanna & the high school choir. It likes indirect morning light and moderate water. It is still going strong, even 3 months after Christmas.
I started a little indoor herb garden last month; (Front) is Cinnamon Basil, Parsley, Sweet Basil, & Chives. (Back) (2) Lavenders. Off to the right is our Christmas Cactus.
In this picture (click to enlarge) L-R is an African Violet. On the windowsill is the Cervesa-n-Lime. Up above is a year-old Ivy. And I don't know what the big bushy plant is to the right--it came from my Parents-in-law, but its beautiful...and big! :)

Movie Night: Pay It Forward

I bought this movie from Wal-Mart the other day for $4.00. It is from 2000 and if you can get your hands on this movie...do it! It is such an interesting concept and a touching film. Instead of paying someone back...you pay it forward and do something nice for someone who owes you nothing. I'm not sure about the rating (there is some language that would not be appropriate for youngsters,-I don't know why they even put it in such a nice movie), but it will make you laugh, make you cry, make you look at your life and say "huh". I highly recommend this movie!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Swoosh, Swoosh, Swoosh @ Giant's Ridge

It was 60+ degrees when we went downhill skiing on Sunday 03/15/2009. We couldn't have asked for a better day. The snow was surprisingly awesome! This is me w/ my friend Cathy.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to Build a Garage

Then it was the frame, foam, plastic, rebar , & tubing (08/19/2007) Cement work. Good job guys! (08/25/2007)

Next: the cement blocks around the perimeter, & then the framing (09/13/2008)
Take time to feed the hardworking crew! (09/13/2008)

Back to work w/ the trusses (the weather didn't cooperate & got a little drizzle) (09/13/2008)

Roof on w/ tar paper, and the outside walls being put on. (09/21/2008)
Weatherproof: house wrap, metal roof, sofeting & fascia board (Brown garage doors from the Overhead Door Co. ) (02/10/2009)
It took 2 summers and major budgeting to complete. This summer will be siding.
Thank you everyone for all your help!

Friday, March 13, 2009

God's Answers to Our Questions





You say: 'It's impossible'

God says: All things are possible

Luke 18:27

You say: 'I'm too tired'

God says: I will give you rest

Matthew 11:28-30

You say: 'Nobody really loves me'

God says: I love you

John 3:1 6 & John 3:34

You say: 'I can't go on'

God says: My grace is sufficient

II Corinthians 12:9&Psalm 91:15

You say: 'I can't figure things out'

God says: I will direct your steps

Proverbs 3:5- 6

You say: 'I can't do it'

God says: You can do all things

Philippians 4:13

You say: 'I'm not able'

God says: I am able

II Corinthians 9:8

You say: 'It's not worth it'

God says: It will be worth it

Roman 8:28

You say: 'I can't forgive myself'

God says: I Forgive you

I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1

You say: 'I can't manage'

God says: I will supply all your needs

Philippians 4:19

You say: 'I'm afraid'

God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

II Timothy 1:7

You say: 'I'm always worried & frustrated'

God says: Cast all your cares on ME

I Peter 5:7

You say: 'I'm not smart enough'

God says: I give you wisdom

I Corinthians 1:30

You say: 'I feel all alone'

God says: I will never leave you or forsake you

Hebrews 13:5

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Magic of Dawn Original Blue

1. Dawn Takes Grease Out of Your way! (Often used for wildlife birds in oil spills.)
2. Dawn Dishwashing Detergent Kills Fleas. (Wash your pet & their bedding w/ Dawn, it is much more mild then on-the-market flea & tick sprays. Remember...a little goes a long way!)
3. Dawn Repels Ants. (Dilute and spray on kitchen countertops. Kills ants if sprayed directly on them.)
4. Good For a Manicure. (Not only does it make the cuticles soft and easy to work with, but Dawn dishwashing detergent actually helps to remove the natural human oils in the fingers and the nails, thus making the polish adhere better to the nail and spread smoother.)
5. Shampoo Buildup? No Problem! (Shampoo w/ Dawn original blue to remove shampoo and styling product build-up once a month.)
6. Use Dawn As a Laundry Pre-Treater. (Lipstick is an oil based stain, as is grease, butter, motor oil, cooking oil, and some pen inks.)
7. Dawn Is Fun to Play With! (Dawn makes the best bubbles!)
8. Dawn in Your First Aid Kit? (pour Dawn dishwashing detergent into plastic baggies, seal it, and then freeze it, and the cold effect last longer than using regular ice)
9. Wash That Driveway. (Use a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent & warm water to effectively remove excess motor oil from the pavement.)
10. Soak your Tools. (Soak tools in a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent before you put them away to remove all the oil and grime from them. Also prevents rust!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sarah Palin comes to MN

I generally don't dress up for Halloween, but since I already had the "costume", I figured that I would go as Sarah Palin.
(If you can't tell, I have a price tag on my sleeve after the media mocked her on the price of her clothing.)
I got a few good laughs that day.
Remember...this was prior to the election so it was more funny than it is today. :)
Click on the picture to make it bigger!

March: In like a Lion...

This is what it looks like outside...arg. Are you kidding me?!?!
And this is what it looks like inside...Happy St. Patrick's Day...early!


Postage will be increasing to .44 on May 11th. Just letting you all know in case you were about to buy a whole book of stamps...remember to ask for the "Forever" stamps! http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/11/stamp.increase/

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Make your own: Onion Soup Mix

I use onion soup mix often in my cooking. I severely dislike it when I am about to make something and find that I'm out. Not any longer...
1 & 1/2 Cups Dried Minced Onion
2/3 Cup Beef Bouillon Granules (I buy the gluten-free kind)
2/3 Cup Onion Powder
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
(One recipe I found added 1/2 teaspoon crushed celery seed, but I don't)
Store in a dry pantry. Use 4-5 Tablespoons in place of 1 envelope.

Flem the Flamingo

Flem the Flamingo is tired of his winter garb
And is ready for Spring 2009!My husband is going to have me committed soon! lol

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meet the Fam

May 5th, 2007
Grandmas @ Christmas
Summer 2008-Maki Family Get-Together
Whole Fam Damily


So, how do you begin a blog? I'm not really one to talk about myself, so maybe a blog about me isn't the best idea. (Huh, I should have thought this through better...haha.) I keep a written journal and update it monthly, but @ least on a blog, I can post pictures and share with others. Well, here's a little about me: I have graduated from being "mid-to-late twenties" to now "late-twenties". I am married to a fantastic man who makes me laugh and makes my heart swoon. He is the hardest worker I have ever met and has a tender-hearted, God-fearing soul. Growing up, my parents taught me kindness, love, understanding and empathy for others. I was the youngest of three with 2 older brothers. With my brothers' marriages, I have been blessed with two wonderful sisters-in-law. With my marriage on 05/05/2007, I inherited an awesome, welcoming family. I proudly accepted the name "Brooks" in place of my "Maki". {Sidenote: Maki is Finnish for "hill". So I went from earth to water: brooks, streams, creeks, etc. lol} When I married, I inherited two wonderful new Grandmas. I am the proud auntie of 2 nieces and 4 nephews. I enjoy cooking/baking, gardening, working, kick-boxing, and curling up in front of the fireplace with a good book and a steaming cup of coffee. I have been blessed with hair that grows quickly, so about every three years I cut off a 10-plus inch ponytail and donate it to www.locksoflove.org. So far, I have donated 2 ponytails and am working on a third for 2010. :) My goals in life are simple; to serve God, to live debt-free (thank you Dave Ramsey), help others in need, make other people happy. May God bless you, Reader, today and always. Love, Christi.