Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Magic of Dawn Original Blue

1. Dawn Takes Grease Out of Your way! (Often used for wildlife birds in oil spills.)
2. Dawn Dishwashing Detergent Kills Fleas. (Wash your pet & their bedding w/ Dawn, it is much more mild then on-the-market flea & tick sprays. Remember...a little goes a long way!)
3. Dawn Repels Ants. (Dilute and spray on kitchen countertops. Kills ants if sprayed directly on them.)
4. Good For a Manicure. (Not only does it make the cuticles soft and easy to work with, but Dawn dishwashing detergent actually helps to remove the natural human oils in the fingers and the nails, thus making the polish adhere better to the nail and spread smoother.)
5. Shampoo Buildup? No Problem! (Shampoo w/ Dawn original blue to remove shampoo and styling product build-up once a month.)
6. Use Dawn As a Laundry Pre-Treater. (Lipstick is an oil based stain, as is grease, butter, motor oil, cooking oil, and some pen inks.)
7. Dawn Is Fun to Play With! (Dawn makes the best bubbles!)
8. Dawn in Your First Aid Kit? (pour Dawn dishwashing detergent into plastic baggies, seal it, and then freeze it, and the cold effect last longer than using regular ice)
9. Wash That Driveway. (Use a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent & warm water to effectively remove excess motor oil from the pavement.)
10. Soak your Tools. (Soak tools in a solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent before you put them away to remove all the oil and grime from them. Also prevents rust!)

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