Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing the Newest & Littlest Brooks

I ran out of things to blog about, so I got a dog. JK, that's not why we got her. We adopted her last Saturday. She's 6 years old. Vet thinks she's Pomeranian-chihuahua mix. She had to have her teeth cleaned on Friday and get her 2nd round of shots. Her teeth were SO brown and the vet said this is most likely from years of soft dog food. So, owners beware: hard dog food has its benefits regarding cleaning tartar from your dogs teeth. Her teeth are whiter than mine now! :) In this video, she's crazy, but for the most part she's pretty lazy. She got a bath this morning and is fluffier than ever. I absolutely love her!


  1. congratulations! Vito & Pinot will love having a new playmate. What's her name?

  2. very cute, didn't say where you adopted her from or her name, not a proper way to introduce her to family ;) :)
