Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, 02/20/2010 SPI, TX

The next day was an exploring day. We put on our walking shoes and hit the beach (gulf-side). Here is a pic of the jellyfish that wash up on shore. We collected a few shells as we walked North on the beach for quite a distance. There we saw many condos and even the aftermath of the last hurricane.

We cut across the island and headed West. Thanks to Mom's map in her abundant care package for us, we visited the Sea Turtle Rescue. Here is a video of one of their largest sea turtles. There are signs all around not to pet the turtles. Some of these turtles (i.e. the loggerhead) develop 1000lbs of crushing power in their beaks. Some of these animals have handicaps and will permanently live here. Others will be released. Lots and lots of turtles to look at!
Next we headed North to the Laguna Madre. It is a huge walking deck where the birds, fish, crabs, painted turtles and even a crocodile call home. The colors, sizes, bodies, and even the actions of these birds were so amazing to see. DB&I consider ourselves unofficial bird watchers. It was just so interesting to see a different variety of birds compared to ours in MN. There were information boards along the way so you knew what wildlife you were looking at. We saw herons, spoonbills, moorhens, ducks, egrets, storks, pelicans, sandpipers, etc.

We then walked down to the Texas Moon restaurant. Two big thumbs up. The best cheeseburger I have ever had. Dave had the mahi-mahi. Walked back to the hotel. Called Mom. Walked down to their condo and we drove to the pirate ship.
Magical-Mystical Mike the Pirate entertained us as we waited for the ship. He was actually pretty good at the magical tricks he performed. Or maybe it was the $2 beer that made him interesting. Any which way, it was a good way to pass the time until the ship was ready for us.

We then boarded the Black Dragon. It is able to hold 80 passengers and we took a 2 hr cruise around the bay. Here there were pirates putting on an act for the kiddies while we hung out at the back near the refreshments. Face painting followed (no thank you). And we watched as a family of 4 dolphins chased the ship.

There was a shoot out with the Pier19 restaurant & bar. They sent up their white flag, so I assume we had the bigger cannons.
The houses on the bay are absolutely amazing. Who needs beach-front property? And seeing those huge shrimping boats was pretty unbelievable. I never saw a Bubba-Gump one though.
After all that I took the pledge and became a real pirate.

That night we went to Steamers to have dinner and listen to Earl play his bass and sing with a band. Lots of sun and warm temps and a fun-filled day!

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