Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, 02/22/2010 SPI, TX

Every morning we ate breakfast at the hotel. I know I'm silly, but I had to take a picture of my Texas-shaped waffle. We got our stuff together and M&E picked us up to give us a ride to the airport. We got there 1/2 hr before boarding and found out that we had different seats 4 rows away from each other. (Rest of the story below.)
We bid farewell to Mom & Earl and went through security. Thankfully Mom packed us left-over turkey samiches :) and we gobbled them up before we even boarded.

The rest of the story: We were supposed to sit 4 rows apart from one another in the plane. We were the last to board, so we told the two gentlemen that sat on either side of me that we are married and would like to sit together, asking if they would switch with David (a window seat). The single guy with on my right never had a chance to speak up. The older, married man who was across the aisle from his wife stated, "well, this is my wife here too, but I'll switch." I guess that's that years of marriage does to you. You just really don't care if you sit next to your spouse anymore anyways.

All in all, it was a beautiful (much needed) vacation. Sunny, 70's, and we even took a little sunshine home with us. It was sooo good to see my Mom again and spend that time together. Thanks for everything guys! Here's our last pic: 2 dolphins swimming against the setting sun.

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to have you two down here and share our winter area and great friends we've met. Maybe next year ;)
