Sunday, February 14, 2010


Rescuing pup from pound: $200+ dollars
Going to animal store for the first time and staring from scratch: $100
Buying a doggy kennel she hates: $40
Teeth cleaning and 2nd round of shots: $195
Capturing the two loves of my life taking an afternoon siesta: PRICELESS
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!


  1. And you could have had a full blooded Pembrook Welsch Corgi for free

  2. or an eskimo/lab mix for free :)

  3. First comment was mine, actually am very happy you found a pet that best suited your needs, I know you love animals and she looks like a real cutie, can't wait to see her in person, Love, Mom

  4. you still haven't told us her name yet, and when are we gonna get to meet the new "cousin"? Can't wait to have all the dogs do a playdate together!
