Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Salad Spinner

I'm generally pretty frugal with what I buy for my house and kitchen. I hate having too much "stuff" that I can't get to and thereby, don't use. One of the best purchases I made recently is a new salad spinner. Sister Kelly had one, so I copied and bought myself one from Walmart for $3. I loved it, especially since I grew leaf lettuce and spinach last year in my garden. It worked great. The only downfall was that the bowl that held the spinner had holes in the bottom (to let the water out). And it always had to be used in the sink. Sister Jen picked a new one up for me. Smaller, but way more efficient. No holes in the bottom, easy to spin with a trigger vs a spinning handle, and it even has a brake. I even like throwing my diced tomatoes in there and giving them a spin before putting them in my salad to get rid of excess moisture and seeds - ewwey! So if I may make a suggestion: if you like to rid of excess moisture on your leaves, berries, or any fruit/veg after yourself a salad spinner!

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