Saturday, January 29, 2011

1st Wk of Work/Daycare

Baby and Mama are back to the grindstone this week, just not together :(. Baby did better than Mama. Unfortunately Baby caught her first cold and it made sleeping at night pretty miserable for a few nights for all three of us. Little fever, spits ups, congested sinuses, and many, many diapers. But she pulled through. After a vapor bath last night, her congestion is significantly better today.
Another first: Elizabeth is now grasping toys, scrutinizing them, and putting them in her mouth. She likes to squish the noisy ones in her hands. She is interacting with her environment more and more and it is so fun watching these little milestones.


  1. hehe - grasper! ;)
    Love You little-lady-E!!
    Uncle Boog-T

  2. Gotta love the double-chin pic, huh?
