Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2 Month Check Up

Elizabeth turned 9 weeks old yesterday. Dr said she looks very good, a happy, healthy babe.
Head 15.25"= 48th Percentile
Length 23" = 73rd Percentile
Weight 11# 4.5oz = 66th Percentile
She really liked the nurse as she giggled and laughed at the baby talk until the nurse gave her shots, then Elizabeth didn't like her so much anymore. I was told she would probably sleep most of the day, so I figured we'd go to Target and spend some of our baby gift cards. We got 1/2 way done shopping when baby's pain kicked in again and she had a total meltdown, the worst she has ever had. Poor little girl. So we finished the shopping trip early and she fell asleep on the ride home. My smiley girl is much better today.


  1. it's neat that at Isabella's 2 mo. check up she was also 23", but 11# 13 oz.

  2. Sorry Baby Girl! :( I don't like shots either...

    Uncle Troy
