Sunday, January 23, 2011

Movies: The Gunslingers & The Ramen Girl

We Just finished watching The Gunslingers & The Ramen Girl. HORRIBLE! (They were rent one, get one free...I have horrible taste.) The Gunslingers is a new movie, a western I thought looked good, but it had no storyline. We ended up fast forwarding the last 45minutes just to see what (predictably) would happen. Not at all original and the camera work was nauseating, almost like the Blair Witch Project.
The Ramen Girl is Brittany Murphy, who followed her boyfriend to Tokyo and gets dumped there. Instead of going home, she wants to stay and learn to cook Ramen (which you can easily buy 10/$1.00 at Super One, but who am I?). The movie didn't show her learning the language or how to make ramen, but all of a sudden at the end, she knows both. It did have some comical parts, but that was the extent of it.
I wouldn't recommend either one of these movies. Don't waste the $3.

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