Friday, January 21, 2011

Lemon Chicken

Mom gave me a new recipe the other day and while I had my doubts, it really turned out yummy. Dave even ate the left-overs. A tangy, zesty change to drab chicken.

Lemon Chicken
2-4 chicken breasts
Juice from 1 lemon
1 can chicken broth

pound the breasts with meat hammer til thin (put thick layers of paper towel down to avoid splatters)
roll in flour
pan fry in butter 3 minutes on each side (I had on medium heat w/ cast iron)
remove from pan
pour in broth & lemon juice
stir and scrape pan to get all the residue from the chicken
thicken with flour/ make a gravy
put chicken back in the pan (flip a few times to get chicken covered in gravy)
cook in simmering gravy for 6 more minutes

I served with stuffing, but next time I'd try rice & veggies.

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