Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Anything Like Me - Brad Paisley

I didn't know David before he was a teenager. He tells me that as a child he was a ... busybody, to say the least. A good kid, just that he was always on the go, driving his parents nuts, breaking just about everything in the house. This is his way of warning me about this little one on the way, if its anything like him. (Not that David likes country music, but I do & thanks to pregnancy hormones, I cried the first time I heard it.)

Anything Like Me :
I remember saying I don't care either way
Just as long as he or she is healthy I'm OK
Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
And said "Ya see that thing right there well ya know what that means"

And I started wondering who he was going to be
And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me
He'll probably climb a tree to tall and ride his bike to fast
End up every summer wearing something in a cast
Hes gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street
Hes gonna get in trouble oh he's gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It safe to say that I'm gonna get my pay back if hes anything like me

I can see him right now knees all skinned up
With a magnifying glass trying to melt the Tonka truck
Wont he be a sight with his football helmet on
That'll be his first love til his first love comes along
He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens
And heaven help him if hes anything like me

He'll probably stay out to late and drive his car too fast
Get a speeding ticket he'll pay for mowing grass
He's gonna get caught skipping class and be ground for a week
He's gonna get in trouble we're gonna get in fights
I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep
It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my pay back if he's anything like me

He's gonna love me and hate me along the way
Years are gonna fly by I already dread the day
He's gonna hug his momma he's gonna shake my hand
He's gonna act like he can't wait to leave
But as he drives out he'll cry hes eyes out
If he's anything like me (can't understand)
Aw he'll be alright if he's anything like me

Isn't that a cute song?! Ah, I'm tearing up again.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Snow White for Trusty Rusty

I inherited my Dad's '96 van. With BB1 on the way, the truck being sold, and an "extra" vehicle just sitting there collecting dust, we sold my candy white 2003 Malibu to my niece last week. I like the van. It rides nice, is comfortable, and since I threw my back out, my chiropractor suggested I use it until Baby is born anyhow (easier to get in and out of compared to trying to crawl out of a car with a baby bump).
But have you ever received something second hand and you clean it thinking that it'll make it "new" again? I scrubbed and vacuumed the inside of the van, Armor-Alled, Windexed, you name it. I even went through the car wash with the van, I think subconsciously hoping it would get rid of the rust. And it did; chunks of van rust were flying this way and that on my way through the blowers. Haha. So I traded in my Snow White for Trusty Rusty, and it looks better than ever, rust and all! I think Dad would be proud.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Becoming Like My Spouse?

They say after years of marriage you begin to act alike, make decisions alike, maybe even look alike. Really? This morning I asked my DB where his coffee cup was (after I make his lunch, I get his coffee poured so it has time to cool before capping and bringing to work. I know, isn't he lucky? LOL). Anyhow, I don't remember washing it, so I asked him where it was. "Well, I went out to the garage to get the cup and I ended up painting the garage instead and still forgetting the cup out there. Guess I'm turning into you." No, Honey, I thought, you're in the beginning stages of learning how to multitask. And I'm doing better at being more organized and becoming a thrower of extra "things" in my house I don't need. If I haven't used it in 1 year, it's out. The less "stuff" I own, the less I have to clean around and reorganize. Therefore...less STRESS! And that's all David.
On the other hand, some days you look at your spouse and say, how did we ever think we had anything in common? I like raisin bran, he likes sugar cereals. I could read novels all day, he likes the newspaper. I'm a morning person, he's a night owl. I like sitcoms, he's a news/sports guy. I know, pretty chinsy opposites, but I've learned from my patients that even after 30, 40, 50+ years of marriage, you still have to work at it. I've learned to give up on the thought process of EVER changing them, and that's when you see the changes occur. I've learned that no matter who you live with, they have a different background and how they do things. I've learned that your spouse will still find ways to drive you nuts...but you love them for who they are, no matter what. Not bad insight for 3.5 years of marriage, huh? And I've learned ... that there's still a lot to learn!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How Did I Miss the 8 mo. Mark?

People ask me how far along I am in my pregnancy and while I know how many weeks, I didn't know the months. Apparently I missed acknowledging crossing over to 8 months pregnant at 32weeks, so now I can say that I am 8 months pregnant (34wks). Good, now people will quit saying I look "big" for 7 months. (And by the way, please don't tell a hormonal, emotionally unstable pregnant woman she looks "big". Tell her she looks cute and petite. Because I often get both sets of comments in the same day from different people. No woman likes being acknowledged for being 20# heavier than she was a few months back, pregnant or not. :)) Above pic: It was 80-some degrees outside & I was filling water bottles, so David saw this as a photo op & snapped a belly picture.
Wk 34: Rapid growth continues. 34wks pregnant. (fetal age 32wks)
•Your baby now is approximately 18" long and weighs about 5.25 pounds.
•Your child has now an excellent chance of survival outside the womb.
•Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week.
•Eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping.
•The fingernails are now completely formed.

Recommended DVDs for Mommies to Be

I bought Shiva Rea's Pregnancy Yoga DVD a few months back. I highly recommend this DVD, pregnant or not. She does have accommodations for women in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. It is a thorough, overall stretching DVD and I've been looking for something like this for years. I've been doing the DVD since my first trimester and found that Yoga can be a serious challenge, even for limber people. You'd be amazed on the tightness you may have and how good you feel afterwards. This really helps with my breathing now too with baby pushing up on my rib cage. I feel I have more room to breathe after doing Yoga. Also, Sister Heather recommended The Business of Being Born. It's a DVD, directed by Ricki Lake on childbirth. It was very educational on birthing not being such a scary, medical event, but a natural process. It gives the pros & cons of hospital vs home births. (Not that I would do a home birth, but it gives women the strength to take control of their birth plan.) So, that's my peanut gallery recommendation for pregnancy.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rotisserie Chicken

Have you ever had one of those yummy rotisserie chickens? Well I found their "secret" recipe in my new 500 Low Cholesterol Recipes book. I tried it and threw the chicken breasts into the crockpot. It tasted good, but it was so moist in there that the chicken was surrounded in broth. I'm going to try again, but put the chicken in the oven so that it crisps. We used the broth over a rice & veggie side dish. The mixture is a little on the sweet side, so maybe cut the honey in 1/2, but it's REALLY close.

1/4 C. honey
1 t. paprika
1 t. onion powder
1/2 t. black pepper
1/2 t. dried thyme
1/4 t. garlic powder
4 boneless chicken breasts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like ... Fall!

I love fall. I think it's the favorite season of most people. It's a time of new beginnings, probably engrained in us from the 13+years of school we endured in our earliest and most impressionable years. January is just too cold and fridgid for "new beginnings". It's like going back to work Monday morning...a fresh start to new challenges. I even have most of my Christmas shopping done for the year! My garden is pretty much done. I got my green tomatoes off the vine for fried green tomatoes (makes my mouth water just thinking about them) and the cabbage will be pulled up tonight.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ultrasound #4

Ultrasound #4: At Thursday's appt, Dr said I'm measuring small (29 cm @ 32 weeks) so he ordered another ultrasound. There's a lot of reasons why I could be measuring small, some serious, some not so serious, but he just wanted to be sure. According to the ultrasound tech, everything looked good. The baby is measuring good in size; about 4# 7 oz, give or take 11 oz (kind of a stretch, huh?). But she figures BB1 is on average, right at 32 wk, 5days. And we saw "sparkles", a halo of shiny, flashing twinkling around baby's head: hair, the tech told us ... pretty cool. We're still waiting for the report back from the radiologist and physician saying everything is ok, but the baby, amniotic fluid, and placenta all looked good per the tech. PTL. Keeping up the daily prayers.

Sister Act 1992

I love the classics. Not being able to sleep past 4:30, I watched the movie "Sister Act" this morning. It was so much funnier than I remember now that I understand it better. Here's Sister Mary Clarance's (Whoopi Goldberg's) prayer before the meal: "Bless us, oh Lord, for these Thy gifts which we are about to recieve. And yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of no food, I will fear no hunger. We want you to give us this day, our daily bread. And to the republic for which it stands, and by the power invested in me, I pronounce us ready to eat. Amen." The whole movie is a hoot. I recommend giving it another showing at your house for some good clean laughs.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Little Pancake Flipped

Week 32 of Pregnancy: We had our 32 wk appt this week. Yeah! Baby flipped and the little "bowling ball head" is now head-down, hence the kicks to the rib cage. It can always switch back, but I'm hoping if it found it's way upside down once, it can do it again. Internet Info: Baby is practicing survival skills like sucking and breathing, while your uterus is practicing some Braxton Hicks contractions. What's up with your baby? Tipping the scales at four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches.
So is it a boy or a girl? Is she carrying high or low? Is she craving salt or sweets? What about the gold ring or Drano tests? What's the heart rate? I'm glad we're not finding out the gender. It's more fun hearing people's guesses. We'll find out in 8 weeks!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here's Your Sign

I was heating up my leftovers in the microwave today around noon. A coworker walks in a says "ya heatin' up your lunch?" Disliking small talk like I do, I reply, "nope, seeing how many crayons I can melt together before they explode." Here's your sign. (That's for you, Bill Engvall.)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Goodbye Flem our Faithful Floridian Family Flamingo

David had a pink flamingo while residing in Florida (like everyone does in FL), a gift which he brought back with him. Flem lived in our living room and changed his outfit with every season and every holiday for teh past 3 years. He was our pet. Since the adoption of Lexie and the expectation of BB1, he needed more attention than we could give so I brought him to work and one of my staff members gave him a new home. I thought she was going to split a gut as she dressed him up in his many outfits. She has 2 grandchildren who will love him and a new camper he can travel the states in and see more of the world than just our living room. Thanks, Flem, for the good memories and for being part of our family! We hope you bring as much joy to other families as you did to ours.

Box Tops, Campbells Soup Labels, Milk Tops

Box Tops, Campbells Soup Labels, Milk Tops (Kemps & Land-O-Lakes). Please save these for your local school! If you don't know where to send them, I'll take them for my nephews. You'd be surprised where you find the box tops, now even on cans of Progressive soup (per their commercial) & cans of Pillsbury breakfast rolls. Thank you in advance!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The dehumidifier was beeping at 3:30 AM today, announcing "Hey, I'm full! Come empty me!" Arg. So I got up, emptied it, and it happily started running again. I went back to bed, tossed, turned, flipped. Arg, can't sleep! May as well get up. It got me thinking...why didn't he get up? The beeping didn't even phase David. Then I remembered what one of our Parenting Class instructors had said about men & women and what wakes them in the night, so I research and find this article, When Daddy Goes Deaf:
That may be true, but a shaking from a spouse or "Psst, your turn" will wake anyone up, believe me. :)