Friday, September 10, 2010

My Little Pancake Flipped

Week 32 of Pregnancy: We had our 32 wk appt this week. Yeah! Baby flipped and the little "bowling ball head" is now head-down, hence the kicks to the rib cage. It can always switch back, but I'm hoping if it found it's way upside down once, it can do it again. Internet Info: Baby is practicing survival skills like sucking and breathing, while your uterus is practicing some Braxton Hicks contractions. What's up with your baby? Tipping the scales at four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches.
So is it a boy or a girl? Is she carrying high or low? Is she craving salt or sweets? What about the gold ring or Drano tests? What's the heart rate? I'm glad we're not finding out the gender. It's more fun hearing people's guesses. We'll find out in 8 weeks!

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