Sunday, September 19, 2010

How Did I Miss the 8 mo. Mark?

People ask me how far along I am in my pregnancy and while I know how many weeks, I didn't know the months. Apparently I missed acknowledging crossing over to 8 months pregnant at 32weeks, so now I can say that I am 8 months pregnant (34wks). Good, now people will quit saying I look "big" for 7 months. (And by the way, please don't tell a hormonal, emotionally unstable pregnant woman she looks "big". Tell her she looks cute and petite. Because I often get both sets of comments in the same day from different people. No woman likes being acknowledged for being 20# heavier than she was a few months back, pregnant or not. :)) Above pic: It was 80-some degrees outside & I was filling water bottles, so David saw this as a photo op & snapped a belly picture.
Wk 34: Rapid growth continues. 34wks pregnant. (fetal age 32wks)
•Your baby now is approximately 18" long and weighs about 5.25 pounds.
•Your child has now an excellent chance of survival outside the womb.
•Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week.
•Eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping.
•The fingernails are now completely formed.

1 comment:

  1. adore your baby bump, & I think you've looked petite your entire pregnancy, baby must like hanging out closer to the spine :) & the month thing is hard because you're not actually 9 months pregnant until your due date, but when you're 39 weeks along you certainly feel 9 months!
