Monday, September 20, 2010

Becoming Like My Spouse?

They say after years of marriage you begin to act alike, make decisions alike, maybe even look alike. Really? This morning I asked my DB where his coffee cup was (after I make his lunch, I get his coffee poured so it has time to cool before capping and bringing to work. I know, isn't he lucky? LOL). Anyhow, I don't remember washing it, so I asked him where it was. "Well, I went out to the garage to get the cup and I ended up painting the garage instead and still forgetting the cup out there. Guess I'm turning into you." No, Honey, I thought, you're in the beginning stages of learning how to multitask. And I'm doing better at being more organized and becoming a thrower of extra "things" in my house I don't need. If I haven't used it in 1 year, it's out. The less "stuff" I own, the less I have to clean around and reorganize. Therefore...less STRESS! And that's all David.
On the other hand, some days you look at your spouse and say, how did we ever think we had anything in common? I like raisin bran, he likes sugar cereals. I could read novels all day, he likes the newspaper. I'm a morning person, he's a night owl. I like sitcoms, he's a news/sports guy. I know, pretty chinsy opposites, but I've learned from my patients that even after 30, 40, 50+ years of marriage, you still have to work at it. I've learned to give up on the thought process of EVER changing them, and that's when you see the changes occur. I've learned that no matter who you live with, they have a different background and how they do things. I've learned that your spouse will still find ways to drive you nuts...but you love them for who they are, no matter what. Not bad insight for 3.5 years of marriage, huh? And I've learned ... that there's still a lot to learn!

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