Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ultrasound #4

Ultrasound #4: At Thursday's appt, Dr said I'm measuring small (29 cm @ 32 weeks) so he ordered another ultrasound. There's a lot of reasons why I could be measuring small, some serious, some not so serious, but he just wanted to be sure. According to the ultrasound tech, everything looked good. The baby is measuring good in size; about 4# 7 oz, give or take 11 oz (kind of a stretch, huh?). But she figures BB1 is on average, right at 32 wk, 5days. And we saw "sparkles", a halo of shiny, flashing twinkling around baby's head: hair, the tech told us ... pretty cool. We're still waiting for the report back from the radiologist and physician saying everything is ok, but the baby, amniotic fluid, and placenta all looked good per the tech. PTL. Keeping up the daily prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Follow up: physician called. Baby's growth is fine. Another US in 4 wks. 34 wk f/u this week.
